Archive for ‘School’

  • SAD 61: Tireless efforts to prepare schools for staff, students’ safe return

    By Wayne E. Rivet Staff Writer Usually at this point of the summer, there are always a few minor details Andy Madura needs to work out before students and staff return to school. 2020 has been unlike anything Madura has experienced in his 40 years employed by SAD 61. “Never seen anything like it,” said […]

  • Teens look to ‘give back’ by outfitting kids for school

    By Wayne E. Rivet Staff Writer Alexis Brown has been raised in a family that often puts the needs of others first. Her grandparents taught Alexis the valuable lesson of selflessness through their work at Crosswalk Community Outreach — a Naples food pantry. “We like to help others. Seeing my grandparents, I know I can […]

  • Right now, SAD 61 leans toward ‘hybrid’ approach

    By Wayne E. Rivet Staff Writer Superintendent Al Smith is realistic when he looks at options on how to reopen SAD 61 schools this fall. He knows the number of COVID-19 cases can rise and fall in the matter of hours or days, which ultimately will determine what learning scenario SAD 61 will pursue. Smith […]

  • FA grad wins video ‘Arrive Alive’ contest

    Audra Hamlin’s fish story hooked the top video prize in the 16th annual Arrive Alive Creative Contest, sponsored by the Law Offices of Joe Bornstein. The contest asks students to come up with a creative message about the dangers of drinking and driving and/or distracted driving. The Fryeburg Academy graduate’s stop motion video won first […]

  • LRHS underclassmen awards

    Lake Region High School presented these underclassmen with the following awards: Math • Awards given by teachers: Mark Snow, JR Warren, Barry Johnson, Donna Callahan, Kim Peterson and Andrew Stacy. Abby Littlefield, Excellence in Algebra II and Geometry Dionne Bradley, Outstanding Achievement Algebra I Abby Miller, Improved Award Kathryn Rose, Excellence Award Eleanor Cowan, Outstanding […]

  • One on One with…Lake Region HS’s Top 3

    By Wayne E. Rivet Staff Writer High school is full of teaching moments. One unexpected lesson due to COVID-19 for the Class of 2020 was never take anything for granted. One minute, the focus was getting ready for the school play, the upcoming spring sports season, what to wear for Prom, and other much-anticipated end-of-the-year […]

  • Student notes: Bailey graduates; Tibbetts receives academic honor; McNally on President’s List

    Bridget Bailey of Fryeburg graduated from the University of New Hampshire (Durham, N.H.) on May 16, 2020. Bridget earned a BA degree in Psychology. Stephanie Tibbetts of Lovell has been recognized for the E.H. Jones Award for Greatest All-Around Academic Development in an Agricultural Program at Vermont Tech in Randolph Center, Vt. Stephanie is a […]

  • Adult Ed ready for a busy summer

    By Madelyn Litz Adult Education Director SAD 61 & 72 During this difficult time of transition, we want to assure and remind folks that Lake Region & Fryeburg Area Adult Education is up and running remotely.  We anticipate a busy summer helping all students who are graduates of our HiSET and Adult Diploma programs, as […]

  • SAD 72 has budget in place; awaits how to proceed next

    By Wayne E. Rivet Staff Writer FRYEBURG — SAD 72 now has a proposed budget in place, but Superintendent Jay Robinson has a big question left to answer — when and how does this financial package go to the voters? “For our district, which requires a district budget meeting only and not the budget-validation referendum, […]

  • SAD 61 kindergarten registration

    SAD 61 Kindergarten screening/registration for the 2020-2021 school year is online now. If your child will be five years old on or before Oct. 15, 2020, please use this link for instructions and online registration —