Archive for ‘Opinion’

  • Earth Notes: Cranberry, the Native Fall berry

    By Joyce White Guest Columnist I’ve found cranberries growing naturally every place I’ve lived in Maine except for Aroostook County. There was a small cranberry bog on the farm where I grew up in Central Maine and another on the blueberry ground where I lived for a time in Eastern Maine. In this area of […]

  • Earth Notes: The Blue Battalion

    By Sally Chappell Guest Columnist What about this situation: millions of people without employment and lots of work to be done? We can all think of needs right now in this pandemic crisis. People are in need of food, healthcare and shelter, as well as nonphysical needs such as purpose and meaning in their lives […]

  • Riseman: Support funding for Broadband upgrades

    By Walter Riseman State Representative District 19 Despite our best efforts, the devastating effect of COVID-19 is not going away anytime soon. Are we prepared to deal with this on-going crisis? We need to do something now to be ready for an uncertain future. Can Broadband (high-speed Internet access) be part of a solution? What […]

  • Column: In Ye Olden Times — A taste of local flavor

    By Mike Davis Assistant Executive Director Bridgton Historical Society Hello neighbors! This week, we wanted to offer a taste of what everyday life was like in Bridgton at the dawn of summer over one hundred years ago. So instead of any one big article on breaking news, we have instead taken selections from the shorts […]

  • Column: Earth Notes — Are we faltering?

    By Sally Chappell Guest Columnist While speculation swirls surrounding the origin of COVID-19, there is no doubt about the origin of our present climate crisis: it’s us.   There is no one of us better able to describe how the crisis happened and the responsible parties than Bill McKibben in his latest book, Falter: Has […]

  • In Ye Olden Times: An omnipotent display

    By Mike Davis Assistant Executive Director Bridgton Historical Society Hello neighbor! Sure is some weather we’re having this week; I kept saying last month with every snowstorm that ‘surely this is the last gasp of winter,’ but waking up to snow last Saturday morning  — even if only a dusting – reminded me again just […]

  • Letter: Duffy

    To The Editor: We have transitioned from a post-Christian culture to a post-rational culture. We “progressed” from a culture where most people believed Christian teachings on right and wrong were absolutes to a culture where right and wrong are now equivalent to mere preferences. This type of thinking is not unprecedented. What is new, and […]

  • Letter: Chappell

    To The Editor: Our freedom does not include the right to risk the lives of others.  Jon Chappell Bridgton  

  • Letter: Plaisted

    To The Editor:  “But the Prince Prospero was happy and dauntless and sagacious. When his dominions were half depopulated, he summoned to his presence a thousand hale and light-hearted friends from among the knights and dames of his court, and with these retired to the deep seclusion of one of his castellated abbeys.” That’s a […]

  • Letter: Casimiro

    To The Editor: Recently, Senator Collins urged the U.S. Congress to waive a requirement of the  Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act that states, including Maine, would not have to match 20 percent of the $400 million set aside for states to safely conduct elections. Is that $400 million necessary? It is six months […]