Archive for ‘Opinion’
Earth Notes
By Mary Jewett BN Columnist Halfway through high school, I took a field trip that changed the way I look at the world. My most influential teacher, K Bolduc, teamed up with a local environmental school to bring a group of teenagers to the Everglades. The goal of the trip was to learn as much […]
Earth Notes: A cash-back solution to carbon pollution
By Cynthia Stancioff Guest Columnist The climate crisis is a uniquely challenging problem — larger and ultimately more threatening than any problem ever faced by humanity. Many feel powerless and helpless to discern a priority for action, so they stick to recycling and await affordable electric vehicles. But imagine an opportunity to engage in a group […]
The practice of Land & Labor Acknowledgement
By Samantha Zawistowski Guest Columnist In the past year, I have made several commitments to myself and my continuing education. I have sought to develop my understanding of how to be accountable and how to hold complex history in my mind and body. As part of a class to help guide me in expanding my […]
Earth Notes: Keeping tabs on a new neighbor
By Alice Rose Guest Columnist Mid-morning one day late summer, I am on a break from weeding a flower bed and walking one of my dogs down the private dirt road on which we live. I am in the act of reigning in Dane’s exuberance when some movement in the swampy pond catches my attention. […]
A shameful display
By Mike Davis Guest Columnist Hello neighbors. I wanted to write in today, to speak to you and comment on the late riots at our nation’s Capitol. I felt it appropriate to do this given my daily work and study of our history, and also the fact that, following my bid in our recent local election, […]
Earth Notes — A photo a day project
By Mary Jewett Guest Columnist Eight years and one week ago, I made a New Year’s resolution to take a photo every day and share it with friends online. At that point, I was a casual photo taker and would rarely share what I was seeing with the world. I determined that some of my […]
Earth Notes — Finding wholeness in the forest
By Megan-Mack DeRaspe Guest Columnist I have been thinking a lot about the concept of “separation” these past few years. Recently moving back to my home state and settling into this new, yet stunningly familiar life, I can’t help but feel the pull of those who used to surround me. Being in nature has given […]
Earth Notes: There must be a better way
By Joyce White Guest Columnist After this obscenely expensive and way too long campaign season, I want to be reminded that at least once in human history, a peaceful, egalitarian, Nature-oriented culture existed. We know about it only through archaeological evidence because it began around 9,000 years ago when there were no written records. So, […]
Earth Notes: The joy of fall migration
By Mary Jewett Guest Columnist I have always said that spring is my favorite season. Not just for the warming temperatures and increased daylight, but mostly for the birds. Hummingbirds, hawks, sparrows, herons, shorebirds, sparrows and so many others travel thousands of miles from their winter homes north to their breeding grounds. Many stop right […]
Earth Notes: Cooling the Earth’s fever
By Sally Chappell Guest Columnist Are you skeptical that a solution to climate change can ever be achieved? Banish your skepticism! There are many solutions to climate change, the climate crisis, global warming, whatever your preferred manner of referral. The unfortunate aspect is that all the solutions will have to be mobilized. That is why […]