Archive for ‘Opinion’
Earth Notes: I’m dreaming of a last Christmas
By Rev. Robert Plaisted Guest Columnist Seeing today’s title, some readers might say, “Whaaaat? Christmas will go on forever.” No, it won’t. Nothing goes on forever, no matter how beloved it may be to us. Humans once celebrated Christmas for the first time and, one day, humans will celebrate Christmas for the last time. Now, […]
In Ye Olden Times: The case of Bridgton’s stolen Boston Post Cane
By Michael Davis Guest Columnist Howdy neighbor! In our last issue, I was pleased to see featured as a front-page story the recent transferal of the town of Brownfield’s Boston Post Cane to Mrs. Della Smith, who at 95 years of age is the oldest legal citizen of that town. And as this story involves […]
Earth Notes: Gratitude for all that is around us
By Megan-Mack Nicholson Guest Columnist Sitting at my computer, waiting for the inspiration of what I’m going to write about, I realize I keep going back to the knee-jerk reaction to write about “gratitude” and all the things we have in nature to be grateful for. I mean, let’s be honest, I would say (as […]
Independent Thought
Gun Rights? Enough, already! By Rev. Robert Plaisted Guest Columnist This column began as my thoughts on the Israeli-Hamas war — an example of the madness of warfare and terrorist violence. I never intended to write back-to-back columns on America’s homicidal obsession with guns. Then, another form of madness exploded right in my own Maine […]
My Irish Up
By Mike Corrigan BN Columnist Television was invented for Cro-Magnon man, and the Internet for Neanderthals. On television, your typical Cro-Magnon can click, and be entertained, or not. Whatever. Bottom line, Television Man knows he’s being coddled and often lied to, but he’s kind of soothed by the process. He’s used to it. It’s entertainment. […]
Independent Thought — Ban books, not guns
By Rev. Robert Plaisted Guest Columnist Some critics may have done a double-take when they noticed the title of this column. They might have wondered if that “commie-pinko” Rev. finally had abandoned the dark side and come over into the glorious light of “conservative” truth. Nah! Cease your heart palpitations, fellas. My views haven’t changed. […]
My Irish Up — Out running Bruiser
By Mike Corrigan BN Columnist In the manner that some lucky rich children have valets, in the sixth grade I had my own bully. Bullying then wasn’t the crime against schoolchildren it’s considered today. Other people hardly noticed. I noticed, though. I never quite figured out the dynamics of the thing, but I see now […]
Earth Notes: Everything old stays old forever
By Rev. Robert Plaisted Guest Columnist Did you hear the one about the folks who went through the desert on a horse with no name, because they wanted to get out of the rain? Bad decision. They went looking for a burning man, but they found a torrential downpour and a big mud hole, courtesy […]
My Irish Up
By Mike Corrigan BN Columnist Dad’s generation beat the Germans and the Japanese. My father had it easy, winning that war, with all the help he got in men and materiel. I, on the other hand, was later chosen to single-handedly beat the Russians. When I got the first hint of my assignment, it was […]
Earth Notes: Somebody’s always saying good-bye
By Rev. Robert Plaisted Guest Columnist “It’s the same old scene, time after time. That’s the trouble with all mankind. Somebody’s always saying goodbye.” That’s a verse from a popular song written by Bob McDill and issued on a 1982 hit recording by Anne Murray. It’s also true. It can hurt like hell to say […]