Archive for ‘Opinion’
Small World: Putting yourself on the line
By Henry Precht BN Columnist A fading head cold, a persistent chest cold (or worse) and no doctors available for consultation over the long Thanksgiving weekend; an article for The Bridgton News to be written with no subject yet taken hold in an otherwise preoccupied mind. “Don’t write about Trump,†instructs my wife. That […]
Guest column: A wake-up call
I learned something today that I must tell our community because I think many of you will want to know. I am the director of Birthwise Midwifery School on South High Street in Bridgton, and today one of our first-year African-American students contacted us to tell us she would be withdrawing from our program […]
Viewpoint: Get out and vote!
This Tuesday, Nov. 8, Mainers and all Americans will be going to the polls to elect a new national president and others to represent our towns, states, and country. In Maine, we also have a number of referendums to be decided. The campaigns on all sides, at all levels, during this 2016 election cycle have […]
Uppermost House: Girl with a grey sweatshirt
By S. Peter Lewis BN Columnist On a recent autumn day, as I worked to get the last few outdoor chores done before we were plunged into another Maine winter, I was scraping old dry caulk from the window frame in the door that leads to the back yard when my 23-year-old daughter, […]
Earth Notes: The earth and its people searching for peace
By Sally Chappell Let’s think about the effects of military spending on the environment. Even as the presidential and congressional candidates from our two major political parties avoid the issue, we all know that the United States has the most powerful military in the world and spends more on defense than the next seven […]
Small World: Democracy’s ills and remedies
By Henry Precht BN Columnist It all started, I guess, with the mania for testing that has gripped our school systems these past few years. Numbers mean everything; whether you want to move to the next grade, graduate, win a scholarship, prosper and live happily ever after, your score is a big piece of […]
Small World: Yet another big, big worry
By Henry Precht BN Columnist I read the other day that a moderate dose of anxiety is good for you. It might help to sharpen you physically and mentally. Prepares you to deal with stress, with life’s surprises. The major price to pay is a furrowed brow and loss of sleep. Still, all of […]
The Planning Front: A very busy summer
By Anne Krieg, AICP Bridgton Planning & Development Happy summer! As we wind down to the fall season, I know many service workers in the tourist industry that are truly exhausted, so hang in there if it’s you! I have heard from many businesses that this summer has been good for visitation; so though […]
Small World: A spine of bronze
By Henry Precht BN Columnist Swish, swish, swish. I was puzzled by these short bursts of wind until I heard added to them “touché, en garde.†Next, there was swish, swish, swish, gotcha. I was walking up by the Civil War monument, as is my frequent evening custom. There, as he is fairly frequently, […]
Small World: Terrorism and racial strife
By Henry Precht BN Columnist I hate to take sides, but I think Donald Trump and his followers are pretty far off base in blaming terrorism on Islam and Moslems — unless their real intention is to create a war fever against a very large segment of humanity. Islam may be the answer to […]