Archive for ‘Opinion’
Defending our First Amendment rights
By Laurie LaMountain Guest Column Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. — U.S. Constitution, First Amendment. […]
Climate change is here: Why should I care?
By Norm Buss and Peter Gately Guest Column The World Meteorological Organization’s (WMO) State of the Global Climate 2023 report (dated March 2024) showed that records were once again exceeded for greenhouse gas levels, surface temperatures, ocean heat and acidification, sea level rise, Antarctic sea ice loss and glacier retreat. So, what’s going on? […]
A change of direction is needed in Maine
Editor’s Note: Representative Mark Walker (R-Naples) gave this week’s Republican Radio Address. By Mark Walker State Representative District 84 We are at a crossroads in our state and our nation. We need to confront head-on the truth about the cost of living for families and neighbors just trying to survive. Today, I’d like to talk […]
In Ye Olden Times: Golden quotes of country wisdow
By Mike Davis BN Columnist Howdy neighbor! I am so very happy today to announce a slight change in form here at The News, which I am sure all of our discerning readers will have already noticed this past month; for the last three issues, on the front-page and appearing as part of the masthead, […]
A change in direction is needed in Maine
Editor’s Note: Representative Mark Walker (R-Naples) gave this week’s Republican Radio Address. By Mark Walker State Representative District 84 We are at a crossroads in our state and our nation. We need to confront head-on the truth about the cost of living for families and neighbors just trying to survive. Today, I’d like to talk […]
In Ye Olden Times: Pleasant Mountain blueberry cake
By Mike Davis BN Columnist Howdy neighbor! When I was growing up here in Bridgton, I would sometimes go out in the summers to climb Pleasant Mountain in the company of friends. Sometimes, this was on our own, sometimes via a district school trip or with some town recreational program, but always the enchanting scenes […]
Why is this election so important
By Peter Gately Guest Column The 2024 election is rapidly approaching, 13 weeks as I write this. While I have voted in every presidential election since 1972, I cannot recall another that has so captured my attention. The 1972 one is memorable for me on many levels. This came at a similarly tumultuous time in […]
In Ye Olden Times: The First (Modern) Olympic Games
By Mike Davis BN Columnist Howdy neighbor! It’s that time again; America’s best athletes have once more voyaged far beyond seas to compete upon the international stage in behalf of our country, striving in honorable contest against the rival nations of the world to bring home the golden medallions and laurel crowns of the grand […]
In Ye Olden Times — Uncle Jab and the Waterford World’s Fair
By Michael Davis BN Columnist Howdy neighbor! This past weekend, I had the pleasure of enjoying a day spent at the World’s Fair out to North Waterford, and let me tell you, while the whole world wasn’t necessarily in attendance, we made a pretty good showing at the very least. Now, I’ve been told the […]
In Ye Olden Times — A Community Fourth of July
By Mike Davis BN Columnist Howdy neighbor! Our small town sure fills up for Independence Day, doesn’t it? Now, I don’t have any hard statistics for this year’s attendance numbers yet, though I’m sure someone somewhere in the town office is busy tabulating the data even now, but speaking just anecdotally, doesn’t it feel like […]