Archive for ‘Opinion’

  • Letter: Farmers still here

    To The Editor: Your local farmers want you to know you can still get your local farm products. The farmers of the Bridgton Winter Farmers Market have gone to pre-order only. Although we will miss the interaction with customers, it is the right thing to do at this time of social distancing. To place your […]

  • Letter: Never let a good crisis go to waste

    To The Editor: “Only in the fevered brain of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi could things like forcing the airlines to be carbon neutral, making sure Planned Parenthood qualifies for small business assistance, cancelling the Postal Service’s debt, and requiring nationwide same-day voting be seen as a proper and valid response to the Wuhan Virus crisis […]

  • Letter: Specifics please

    To The Editor: Mr. Angelo’s letter to The News follows an altogether too frequent pattern of wild accusations and speculations about President Trump. Similarly, his letter conveniently lacks any details of specifically what and how the president will accomplish these nefarious deeds. Perhaps Mr. Angelo could tell us how given our marvelous and time-tested Constitution […]

  • Rep. Fay column: Coping with COVID-19

    By Jessica Fay State Representative A lot has happened since Maine’s first case of COVID-19 was announced on March 12. People from across the state have sprung into action. We have quickly adapted to protect public health, from temporarily closing schools and businesses to moving to remote work, practicing social distancing and not conducting any […]

  • Earth Notes: Oak apple day

    By Alice Darlington South Casco One winter day, I was on my way home and stopped to eat my pizza slice and admire the view. Close by, I noticed a tree hung with tan balls almost as though decorated for the season. At first, I assumed it was a buttonbush but on looking more closely […]

  • In Ye Olden Days — Flood of ’53 showed our resiliency

    By Mike Davis BHS Assistant Executive Director Hello neighbors! As we find ourselves together facing a spreading pandemic, and all the newfound troubles which go along with it, I wanted to take this space to reflect on our past, and on the perils which we as a community have faced down and overcome; perils which […]

  • Earth Notes: Where are the battle lines?

    By Frank Daggett “We have not lost the battle. If given the chance, nature will reconquer its rights and will prevail.” So said Anne Larigaudiere, the executive secretary of the United Nations Intergovernmental Science Policy Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services when it published, in May, its report on the risk of widespread species extinctions. […]

  • Riseman: It’s time for sports betting

    There have been some questions why I supported the idea of trying to override the Governor’s veto to allow sports betting in the state. LD 553, “An Act to Ensure Proper Oversight of Sports Betting,” originally passed the legislature with bipartisan support last session. In January of this year, the Governor made the decision to […]

  • Fewer fireworks = more enjoyment?

    By Colin Holme Executive Director Lakes Environmental Association In the last few weeks, the Maine Legislature has been considering a bill to ban fireworks in the Shoreland Zone (LD 1942). This short and simple bi-partisan bill originally sponsored by Representative Jessica Fay of Raymond proposes to ban fireworks immediately around Maine’s lakes, ponds, rivers, streams […]

  • Earth Notes: Facing awesome challenges

    By Rev. Robert Plaisted Once upon a time, long long ago, in a garden far away, there was God and there were humans. God created the garden and told the humans, “Tend this garden; take care of it, and it will provide everything you need to live. But I warn you! If you abuse my […]