Archive for ‘Opinion’
Newcomb Letter: More we can do
To The Editor: With the 50th anniversary of Earth Day on April 22, we are already reducing our carbon footprint during the pandemic by curtailing travel. But, we can do so much more by cutting our consumption of animal meat and milk products. Yes, that. A recent article in the respected journal Nature argues that […]
Column: In Ye Olden Times, Fire of 1873 strikes the BNews
By Mike Davis Assistant Executive Director Bridgton Historical Society On Monday, April 7, 1873, at seven o’clock in the morning, a raging fire tore through downtown Bridgton, and in three hours had leveled five buildings standing along the business corridor from Bacon Street to Tannery Bridge. Up in smoke went the general store of R.A. […]
Letter: Keeping postal delivery personnel safe
To The Editor: During these challenging times, postal employees are working hard to ensure residents stay connected with their world through the mail. Whether it’s medications, a package, a paycheck, benefits or pension check, a bill or letter from a family member, postal workers understand that every piece of mail is important. While service like […]
Gov. Mills: Follow order, stay healthy
We are in the midst of one of the greatest public health crises this world has seen in more than a century. This virus will continue to sicken people across our state and our country; our cases will grow, and unfortunately, more people will die. I say this to be direct, to be as honest […]
Plaisted letter: The Authoritarian Plague
To The Editor: I didn’t believe I’d have to write anything this grim. I never imagined I’d have to accuse an American presidential administration of criminally negligent homicide, but that’s where we are. The Boston Globe editorialaccusing Donald Trump of having “blood on his hands” was right on the mark. He does indeed, and so […]
Diamond column: Resources for businesses and workers
By William Diamond State Senator As we face one of the worst pandemics in a century, this is a moment that requires all of us to step up and do our part. Slowing the spread of COVID-19 is necessary to protect our community and reduce the burden on our health care system. The only way […]
In Ye Olden Times: The Dickens Club
By Michael Davis Assistant Executive Director Bridgton Historical Society Hello Neighbors! For all the unhappiness which is presently keeping us cooped up right now, there are also good elements to come from this. For example, I found on asking around that a great many of my local friends are all finding that a certain element […]
Medicare nugget
By Stan Cohen A skilled nursing facility (SNF) is one that provides post-hospital extended care services at a lower level of care than provided in a hospital. A skilled nursing facility can be part of a nursing home or hospital. In order for Medicare to cover a skilled nursing facility stay, there are several requirements. […]
Social distancing, Day 13: Aching for clarity
This is my old shed. It’s across the road from our old farmhouse and just south of our old barn. I keep gardening stuff in it, mostly, and perhaps a little junk. Stuff I trip over. Empty fuel cans, a compressor that doesn’t work, some old tools I sometimes wish I could find. It’s only […]
Letter: Hold off on decisions
To The Editor: To: Robert Peabody, Town manager, and Members of Board of Selectmen and Selectwoman, and Linda Lacroix, Community Director: I am writing to express my concern about the potential for important town issues to be discussed, and decisions made, without input from members of the Bridgton community in a public forum. Bridgton town […]