Archive for ‘Opinion’
Column: Earth Notes — Giving our immune systems a helping boost
By Joyce White While the experts in medicine, science and pharmacology work diligently at creating a vaccine to protect humans from COVID-19, there are many things we can do for ourselves. Most are inexpensive, have no worrisome side effects, are easily obtained, and have a long track record for effectiveness. Many come from plant sources […]
Column: In Ye Olden Times — A quite little game
By Mike Davis Assistant Executive Director Bridgton Historical Society On May 7, 1909, a shocking story broke in The News, which horrified the good people of Bridgton and sent every mother running to see her child home as soon as the school day ended. There was a new terror on the streets of Bridgton, […]
Column: State Representative Jess Fay
There is no question, these are strange and very stressful times. For me, like most of us in Maine, it’s been another week at home, and another week of helping our friends and families navigate the greatest public health crisis any of us have ever seen. For some people, bills are piling up while little […]
Local legislator voices opinions on Gov. Mills’ plan to reopen Maine
‘Governor’s solution is worse than the problem’ By Rich Cebra State Representative (R-Naples) Like most Mainers, I deferred to the scientists and health experts when the coronavirus arrived in the United States and to a lesser extent, Maine. My fellow legislators acted quickly on COVID-19 related legislation, tabled other items, and went home to shelter […]
Ye Olden Days: A Temperance Rally
By Mike Davis Assistant Executive Director Bridgton Historical Society In this week’s report, we are focusing on the resurgence of the Temperance movement in Bridgton during the 1880s. The ideology of Temperance, or anti-alcohol, had first come to Bridgton in 1829, just over a year after the movement was founded in Portland by William […]
Tree Talk: The new normal
By Robert Fogg As we all take a step back and adjust to the new normal created by the coronavirus, it appears as though Mother Nature just keeps right on chugging along. The snow has melted, the birds are singing, and grass is turning green. Pretty soon, the leaves will pop, and the black flies […]
Earth Notes: Another ‘Big Night’ unfolds
By Mary Jewett Lakes Environmental Association Spring is officially here! Loons, herons and other migratory birds are back, wildflowers are starting to emerge in the forest and, of course, the amphibians are migrating! Over the last couple of weeks, on the nice warm rainy nights, frogs and salamanders have been making their way from their […]
In Ye Olden Times: A “Fast Day” birthday
By Mike Davis Hello neighbors! This story comes from April 24, 1896, and concerns somewhat happier matters than the last few weeks have brought us. It concerns the celebration of “Uncle Joseph” Ingalls’ 90th birthday, which just so happened to coincide with that year’s observance of Fast Day. What was Fast Day? Well, it’s another […]
Letter: Plaisted
To The Editor: “Living in the United States today is like being in a boat on the Niagara River above the falls. Our engine is sputtering and threatening to stall, and Republicans and Democrats fight about what kind of fuel to put in the tank and who should be steering the boat. Meanwhile, the ominous […]
Corthell Letter: Three quotes
To The Editor: Numerous people have innumerable times sounded the alarm that Donald J. Trump is an incompetent and dangerous leader, myself included. The greatest warning sirens come from his own bloviating lips, with his most recent warning coming last night during his daily Covid-19 news conference/ presidential campaign rally: “When somebody is President of the […]