Archive for ‘News’

  • SAD 61 artists featured at galleries

    March is Youth Art Month and SAD 61 had several students representing the school district at Portland Museum of Art (PMA) and Maine Educators Association (MEA) in Augusta. There was a ceremony with students from all over the state of Maine having their artwork put on display. There were certificates handed out. PMA will have […]

  • Bridgton Budget Review: Where did Rec grant funds go; addressing lack of office space

    By Wayne E. Rivet Staff Writer As Rec Director Gary Colello reviewed various financial lines with the Bridgton Select Board at a March 3 budget session, he wanted to be sure the funding was in place to cover the town’s match for a federal Land Water Conservation Fund grant to upgrade the Ham Sports Complex. […]

  • ‘We were lucky!’ — Food pantry finds temporary home

    By Wayne E. Rivet Staff Writer With time running out to find a new location and several possibilities explored but found either unavailable or not a good fit, the Bridgton Food Pantry was nearing a point of desperation. And then, the Pantry’s prayer was answered, just in time. A temporary home has been found. The […]

  • Do CN Brown plans start from scratch, or use old application?

    By Dawn De Busk Staff Writer NAPLES — The Naples Planning Board is in limbo when it comes to moving forward on the application status of a proposed gas station. The standstill was apparent during the planning board meeting on Tuesday night. The next step for C.N. Brown’s site plan application is uncertain — until […]

  • Airport to change name to White Mountains Regional

    By Dawn De Busk Staff Writer FRYEBURG — The airport in Fryeburg is in the process gaining a new name: the White Mountains Regional Airport. Last week, the topic of renaming the Eastern Slope Regional Airport came up during the Fryeburg Select Board meeting. Select Board member Tom Klinepeter asked about the cost of renaming […]

  • Casco finance committee kicks off meeting

    By Dawn De Busk Staff Writer CASCO — Last week, a seventh person was named to the Casco Finance Committee. Prior to that, there were six people on the committee. A seventh member was desired to avoid a tie-vote. Two people had filled out the required volunteer application, and one of those people was present […]

  • Naples harbor master obsolete

    By Dawn De Busk Staff Writer NAPLES — Like someone tacking a sailboat, Naples Town Manager Jason Rogers restructured the Naples Marine Safety Department in a way that has surprised some people. Essentially, the administrative duties, such as keeping track of moorings and issuing dock permits, will be assigned to the code enforcement officer. Likewise, […]

  • BFD receives prestigious safety award

    By Wayne E. Rivet Staff Writer Firefighting is a risky job so making a strong commitment to safety is paramount. The Bridgton Fire Department excels in creating the safest workplace possible for its firefighters according to the Maine Bureau of Labor Safety. Chief Glen Garland was presented a SHAPE Award Tuesday night by Steve Greeley, […]

  • Budget, Part 1: Bridgton Police Department

    P1 w11 bridgton budget part 1 By Wayne E. Rivet Staff Writer Interim Town Manager Georgiann Fleck expected her first-time preparing Bridgton’s 2025-26 municipal budget to present multiple challenges. “I knew it would be challenging in these tumultuous economic times. My ultimate goal when considering the budget proposals submitted by the department heads was to […]

  • Bridgton Select Board notebook

    Budget civics lesson When resident Jessica Warner heard budget cuts were made in regards to Rec Department training and salary requests denied, she decided to find out for herself how the process works by asking questions of those making the initial budget decisions — the Bridgton Select Board. During the meeting’s public participation segment, Warner […]