Casco Safe Streets travels to permanent status

By Dawn De Busk

Staff Writer

CASCO — It all started with a grant.

Two years later, the ad-hoc committee was granted a permanent status.

Last week, the Casco Select Board voted unanimously to move the Casco Safe Streets Committee from a short-term committee to a permanent one.

In 2023, the Town of Casco received a Community Action Grant in the amount of $50,000. The awarding of this grant happened after the town joined forces with the Center for an Ecology-Based Economy (CEBE). Following a few public input meetings, it was determined what people in Casco wanted was safer streets, more mobility without being worried about life and limb. Once the townspeople desires were determined, CEBE wrote the grant.

After Gov. Janet Mills announced that Casco was a recipient of the grant money, a handful of citizens volunteered to be part of an ad-hoc committee that had a shelf life of six months. Over the summer, that group designed a survey and took part in the Casco Days grand parade. Additionally, that group produced the Safe Streets Policy that was approved by the Casco Select Board in December.

On Jan. 21, the select board voted, 5-0, to give the committee a permanent status.

Prior to the vote, one of the ad-hoc committee members spoke.

“I am part of the Safe Streets Committee. We asked to become a full-time committee because of the excitement volunteers had for the process, all the work we put into it, and what we could do to ensure that the safe streets policy gets used and doesn’t get put on shelf,” Rae-Anne Nguyen said.

The other person to speak on the topic is Rae-Anne’s husband, Tuan Nguyen.

He serves on the Casco-Naples Bulky waste and Transfer Station Council, which met on Jan. 9.

He recently asked the town manager to check in with the Casco Safe Streets Committee for input on helping with traffic on Leach Hill Road, which is the location of the transfer site and bulky waste facilities.

“I found out they are not a real committee,” he conveyed.

“I would encourage you to make it a full-time [permanent] committee so it can meet with other boards,” he said, directing his comment to the select board.

He added, “They have fun and they enjoy going to their meetings.”

The next meeting is Feb. 6, starting at 6 p.m., in the Casco Community Center. The group will be zoning-in on plans for a bike rodeo.