Casco offered lot by town hall
By Dawn De Busk
Staff Writer
CASCO — At the end of the month, most likely, Casco residents will consider the purchase of 2-1/2 acres that will expand the Casco Town Hall campus.
In 2016, citizens at Casco Annual Town Meeting approved the construction of a new town hall and also the purchase of a large lot (approximately 11 acres) with waterfront access to Parker Pond.
That parcel is often referred to as the “Berry property.”
Now, almost 10 years later, another land purchase offer will come before the voters. Most likely, it will be on the warrant of the Casco Special Town Meeting that is slated for Jan. 28. First, the Casco Select Board will need to finalize the warrant during its meeting a week earlier.
The 2.5-acre lot is located behind the town office, and is part of tax map 0037-005A, according to Casco Town Manager Anthony “Tony” Ward.
“The sellers are James and Mary Jabbusch. They approached the town about selling the land to us,” he said.
The asking price is $180,000, Ward said.
“The funds would come from funds already raised and placed in a capital account,” the town manager said.
The warrant article will ask residents to move $180,000 from the capital account to the Open Space Account.
This lot does not have waterfront access.