Bridgton Select Board notebook

Bridgton Select Board meeting short takes:

Back on Board: Kevin Raday makes a return to the Board of Appeals as the Select Board unanimously approved his nomination to a five-year term.

“I am familiar with the town’s ordinances and am confident that I can apply them in an impartial manner consistent with their intent,” Raday wrote in his application letter.

Tax Assistance: There were 38 applicants for the Senior Tax Assistance program this year, and 30 were found to be eligible. The Select Board will act on the relief payments at their Sept. 10 meeting.

Money Back: Eleven abatements totaling $17,308.64 — three cases a business was closed prior to April 1, 2024, while a property was deemed exempt as of April 1.

Nine supplementals (four cases of account sent to the wrong owner) totaling $14,332.03 were approved.

Ballot Questions: Following Select Board approval to place these articles on the Nov. 5 referendum ballot, Bridgton voters will decide:

• Whether to appropriate $150,000 for the revaluation? The Select Board recommends passage. The money would be taken from the undesignated fund balance.

• Whether to enact amendments to the Bridgton Land Use Code to update sidewalk and landscaping requirements? The Select Board recommend passage.

• Whether to enact amendments to the Uniform Fee Ordinance to establish impact fees? The Select Board recommends passage.

Copies of these amendments can be found on the town’s website or by requesting a copy at the town office.

On Your Own: Lifeguards are no longer on duty at Highland Lake and Woods Pond, so the public is cautioned to swim at one’s own risk.

Paving Plans: Public Works is preparing North Road, Winn Road and Plummers Landing for paving. Prep work will be done on Camp Pondicherry later this week with paving to follow.

Hooking On: Since the new wastewater system went on line, about 38 new connections to the system have been made. Residents considering to hook into the new system are reminded that the town is waiving the $600 connection fee during 2024.

Food Park Addition: A victualer’s license was approved for Asian Boba & Appetizer (Omar Gonzalez and Chanto Gonzalez of Casco) at the Bridgton Food Truck Park (64 Portland Road). Proposed days of operation will be Friday, Saturday and Sunday from noon to 8 p.m.