Bridgton Select Board news briefs

Quick takes from the Tuesday Bridgton Select Board meeting:

Sign Thefts — ’Tis the season to steal political signs, and it’s “bush league,” Deb Brusini told the Select Board. At least five signs were stolen from Upper Ridge Road. “Just to remind folks, it’s not legal. It costs people money. They’re not cheap,” Brusini said.

If a person is caught stealing signs, he or she could face a $250 fine or possibly up to $1,000.

Committee Expanded — Liking the big public interest to serve on the Harbor Master/Mooring Ordinance Committee, the Select Board made a few revisions to their initial charge. For one, the committee will be expanded to include nine members and two alternates. One member will be from Lakes Environmental Association (Executive Director Colin Holme will fill that seat), while the other eight will be from the general public.

Initially, the Select Board had specified spots for lakefront property associations, but during review of applications, officials found it confusing in some cases (whether a group was a lake association or neighborhood association) and limiting in others. So, the roster will include eight people from the public, with the Select Board looking to fill out the committee with both lakefront property owners as well as non-lake residents.

The board will decide on committee appointments at its next regular meeting.

Ballot Surge — To date, Bridgton’s Town Clerk’s office has received over 900 absentee ballot requests. Take home or in-person absentee ballots are available until Oct. 31 at 7 p.m. The office will be open late from 5 to 7 p.m. on Oct. 31 for the purpose of absentee and election related business only.

The Clerk’s Office will begin early processing of absentee ballots next week on Tuesday, Oct. 29 at 9 a.m. with public inspection available from 9 to 10 a.m. If you are interested in participating in public inspection, please submit your requests to the Town Clerk’s Department. 

The Clerk’s Office completed Election Staff training on Oct. 10. 

The Clerk’s Office is looking for food donations from any local businesses for staff working Election Day. This is a great opportunity to offer your goods to someone who may have not eaten at your establishment yet. Please contact the office at (207) 647-8786 for more information. 

Housing Analysis — The Town of Bridgton is collaborating with the Greater Portland Council of Government on a housing analysis for town-owned land that could be considered for affordable housing development.  There has been a delay due to staff changes at GPCOG, but local officials expect the analysis to be completed by the end of October.  

Appointments — Kappy Sprenger was appointed as an alternate to the Appeals Board, while Margaret Sanborn was approved to serve on the Appeal Board.

Marita Wiser was appointed as Warden for Bridgton’s general election on Nov. 5.

Road Closed for Halloween — To keep kids and others safe on Halloween, the Select Board will close Elm, Bennett, Iredale and Chase Streets from 4 to 9 p.m. on Oct. 31.