BFD receives prestigious safety award

SAFETY FIRST — Bridgton Fire Chief Glen Garland (left) receives the prestigious SHAPE Award from Steve Greeley, director of Workplace Safety & Health Division (SafetyWorks!) at the Maine Department of Labor.

By Wayne E. Rivet

Staff Writer

Firefighting is a risky job so making a strong commitment to safety is paramount.

The Bridgton Fire Department excels in creating the safest workplace possible for its firefighters according to the Maine Bureau of Labor Safety.

Chief Glen Garland was presented a SHAPE Award Tuesday night by Steve Greeley, director of Workplace Safety & Health Division (SafetyWorks!) at the Maine Department of Labor. The award is given to departments that demonstrate, in a number of ways, a commitment to safety and a safety culture within that organization.

Chief Garland said the BFD made a commitment about five years ago under then-Chief Tom Harriman to achieve the level of safety to earn the award.

“The achievement was a total team effort by all members of the department over an extended period of time. This has been a long process that has resulted in a safer workplace for our firefighters,” Chief Garland said. “The award is truly a department award that each member can take pride in.”

The selection was based on a thorough review of all records, including initial training, ongoing training, mandatory annual trainings of each member, OSHA injury logs, standard operating guidelines, equipment inspections and testing, apparatus maintenance and testing, station maintenance and inspections, “all done to ensure a safe work environment for the employees.”

As a SHAPE award recipient, the Bridgton Fire Department is considered amongst “the best of the best in workplace safety and health,” Greeley said. The SHAPE recognition results in BFD being exempt from BLS program inspections for the next two years.

“Why is that? We have gone through all their written programs and we know that they’re doing the training. We know they’re not having a lot of injuries. We know they’re doing a good job,” Greeley explained. “So our enforcement people can spend their time elsewhere where maybe there’s an employer that doesn’t have those written programs, that isn’t doing the training, that is having injuries.”

Another benefit of receiving SHAPE recognition, the town will see a discount on its Worker’s Comp premium.

Bridgton Fire is one of 91 locations in Maine to receive the award, of which 47 are fire departments. The plaque presented to Chief Garland has additional plates to list additional years Bridgton Fire lands this honor.

“Nothing would please us more than to keep coming back here every couple of years and giving you a new plate because that shows that you’re maintaining what you’re doing,” Greeley added. “So, keep up the good work. I know a lot of work went into this, but your work is just starting because we want to be back here in two years.”