Adult Ed ready for a busy summer

By Madelyn Litz

Adult Education Director

SAD 61 & 72

During this difficult time of transition, we want to assure and remind folks that Lake Region & Fryeburg Area Adult Education is up and running remotely. 

We anticipate a busy summer helping all students who are graduates of our HiSET and Adult Diploma programs, as well as the senior high school students at Lake Region High School and Fryeburg Academy prepare for their future. Let us help you:

• Complete your financial aid forms

• Get the remedial help you need to enter directly into college level classes

• Get the support you need to prepare for a successful entry into college in the fall.

Know that you have a place to turn after graduation for the assistance, guidance and preparation you need for those next big steps in your future. Contact us for help. We’ll set up a remote appointment with you to get you started. Don’t wait! Give our college and career advisor a call at 647-3015 and leave a message, or e-mail She’ll get back to you to start the ball rolling!