Player of the Week Saul Burnham

(Photo by Kevin Murphy)
Saul Burnham is an example of what Indoor Track & Field Coach Mark Snow wants to see out of an athlete — work hard, continue to improve as the season rolls on, and ultimately reach one’s potential.
“Saul’s meet results have steadily improved during his first Indoor T&F season. His eight PRs (personal records) lead the boys’ team and he is on the cusp of provisionally qualifying for the state championship,” Coach Snow said. “He and brother Sam have immersed themselves in all aspects of sprinting and routinely share their knowledge and findings with their teammates. His dedication to the drills and strength training is as high as I have seen. But more importantly, Saul is genuine in his support for teammates and his appreciation for coaches. He is a model student athlete that all others should emulate.”
In recognition of his strong work ethic, determination, commitment and good sportsmanship, Saul is this week’s Boosters and Hancock Lumber “Player of the Week.” Each week, a Lake Region athlete is recognized for his/her dedication (does more than what is asked), work ethic, coachability and academic good standing. Recipients receive a specially-designed t-shirt, sponsored by Hancock Lumber.
Player of the Week
Athlete: Saul Burnham
Town: Naples
Parents: Shiho and Christopher Burnham
Hobbies: Playing soccer
Favorite Athlete (and why): Ronaldinho Gaúcho. Because he has the best skills in soccer.
Q. What are three key elements to be successful in your sport? Weight room, Plyometrics, Running technique.
Q. What is your goal(s) this season, and how do you reach them? To PR every meet, I insure I’m doing my best in the weight room and doing my plyometric drills.
Q. What is the most difficult aspect of your sport? Front-side mechanics while running
Q. Finish this line, “It’s been a good sports day if….” I get a PR.
Q. How has sports helped in your development as a person? Track and Field has made me realize that even if you learn how to run correctly, if you don’t put in the work, you won’t get any better.
Q. What lesson have you learned from a coach or teammate that you will long remember? Always be respectful and/or nice to everyone.