Building a Community

Nicole McKeith
Bridgton Community Development Director

By Nicole McKeith

Community Development Director

Town of Bridgton

Welcome to our first Community Development Column! 

In this inaugural column, we aim to answer a couple of key questions that we will build on in future columns. First, what does Community Development mean, and why is it important in Bridgton? 

Community development refers to the process of improving the social, economic, environmental, and cultural well-being of a community by empowering its members to collectively address issues and create positive change. It involves enhancing the quality of life for all community members by fostering collaboration, building capacity, and encouraging active participation in decision-making processes. 

Our Community Development Department focuses on three main areas: Economic Development, Planning, and Grant Management. 

Economic development encompasses anything that makes it easier to live, work, and play in Bridgton. This includes housing initiatives, broadband efforts, marketing and tourism, and expanding public/private partnerships. 

In this instance, Planning focuses on co-creating inclusive, community-informed guides for Bridgton’s future. This includes the Comprehensive Plan, the Open Space Plan, the Ham Complex Master Plan, the Memorial School Plan, and all town ordinances. 

Lastly is Grant Management. Not only do we apply for local, state, and federal grants that fund projects improving Bridgton’s parks, infrastructure, tourism, etc., but we also administer the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG). Bridgton receives an annual allocation of funds from Cumberland County, which receives these funds from the Federal Housing and Urban Development agency. These monies help fund infrastructure and public service projects every year. 

Our Community Development Department recognizes how exceptional Bridgton, and its residents are, and we want to continue building momentum to maintain that uniqueness while fostering positive growth. So, cheers to Bridgton and it’s bright future!