Laker Player of the Week, Madison Paradis

Madison Paradis

Madison Paradis brings commitment, perseverance and positivity to the Lake Region varsity cheering squad. 

“Madison brings a joyful spirit and strong commitment to the cheer squad. Her enthusiasm for being part of the team is infectious, and she consistently strives to improve her athletic skills,” LR Coach Janine Rocca-Chaine said. “Madison approaches her training with diligence and a positive attitude, never hesitating to put in the necessary effort. She sets a great example for her teammates by offering assistance and maintaining a constructive mindset.”

One of Madison’s strengths is her understanding of when to maintain focus and when a more relaxed atmosphere is appropriate, which is crucial in a large squad setting, Coach Rocca-Chaine said.

“This balance helps foster a productive and supportive team environment,” the coach noted. “Overall, Madison’s dedication, positive leadership, and awareness of team dynamics make her a valuable member of the squad.”

Madison’s dedication to improving as a cheerleader is “truly commendable,” her coach added.

“Despite dance not being her natural talent, she consistently puts in the effort to master the technical aspects of cheer and dance,” Coach Rocca-Chaine said. “As her coach, I’ve witnessed significant progress in Madison since she joined the squad last year. Her commitment to growth, both in skills and leadership, is evident to everyone around her. I am confident that Madison will continue to develop her abilities and become an even stronger leader in the future.”

In recognition of her strong work ethic, determination, commitment and good sportsmanship, Madison is this week’s Boosters and Hancock Lumber “Player of the Week.” Each week, a Lake Region athlete is recognized for his/her dedication (does more than what is asked), work ethic, coachability and academic good standing. Recipients receive a specially-designed t-shirt, sponsored by Hancock Lumber.

Player Profile

Athlete: Madison Paradis, junior

Town: Sebago

Parents: Chris Paradis, Brandi Shook

Hobbies: Roller skating, cheer, acting, and singing.

Favorite Athlete: I don’t watch sports often so I don’t have a favorite athlete.

What are three key elements to be successful in your sport?

Dedication, practice, confidence. 

What is your goal(s) this season, and how do you reach them? To be an all-around better and confident cheerleader. I plan on reaching my goal by practicing as much as I can and accepting constructive criticism while staying positive.

What is the most difficult aspect of your sport? Stunting can definitely be difficult sometimes because it’s really easy to get frustrated when you fall, but when we get the stunt up, it’s worth it. 

Finish this line, “It’s been a good sports day if….” We get through our routine with no mistakes. 

How has sports helped in your development as a person? Cheer has helped me become more confident in myself, and helps me to be more outgoing.

What lesson have you learned from a coach or teammate that you will long remember? Being able to take criticism without taking it personally, and knowing we all have our own strengths.