SAD 61 School Board approves staff moves
With SAD 61 set to start school yesterday, School Board chair Janice Barter read a long laundry list of personnel moves — hires, resignations, transfers and retirements — at Monday’s meeting held in The Great Room at Lake Region Vocational Center.
Nomination of Teachers
Katelyn Chalmers, part-time Art Teacher at Stevens Brook Elementary School, replacing Gillian Brosnan who resigned.
Ethan Clements, Special Education (Resource Room) Teacher at Stevens Brook Elementary School, replacing Julie Anderson.
Andrea Corbett, Special Education (Day Treatment) Teacher at Lake Region High School, replacing Janice Tevanian who resigned.
Leah Hayden, Special Education Teacher (Resource Room) at Crooked River Elementary School, replacing Anne McNair who resigned.
Molly Hodgkins, First Grade Teacher at Songo Locks Elementary School, replacing Greta Manley-Hughes who resigned.
Rebecca Lagoda, School Counselor at Lake Region High School, replacing Martin Graef who resigned.
Michelle Perry, 8th Grade Math Teacher at Lake Region Middle School, replacing Dylan Dombrowski who resigned.
Rachel Richards, Music Teacher at Songo Locks Elementary School and Stevens Brook Elementary School, replacing Elizabeth Rounds who resigned.
Julie Schoenfeld, Adult Education Teacher effective August 14, 2024.
Jason Thornton, Construction Technologies Teacher at Lake Region Vocational Center, replacing Russell Moores who resigned.
John Warren part-time Co-Op Teacher at Lake Region Vocational Center, replacing Colleen Nobert who resigned.
Stephen Oteri, Math Teacher at Lake Region High School (one-year position), replacing Kim Peterson who transferred to another position.
Nomination of Educational Support Personnel
Deana Keefe, School Secretary at Lake Region Middle School, replacing Marsha Wilson who resigned.
Miranda Desmond, Special Education Educational Technician (Day Treatment) at Lake Region Middle School, replacing Michael Porter who resigned.
Destiny Labrecque, Special Education Educational Technician (Self-Contained Classroom) at Stevens Brook Elementary School, replacing Cameron Rose who resigned.
Bryant Libby, Educational Technician (Learning Lab III), replacing Bethany Cox who transferred to Learning Lab II.
Michael Porter, Educational Technician (Diversified Occupations) at Lake Region Vocational Center, replacing Steve Mercer who moved to another position.
Nomination of Non-Teaching Staff
Elizabeth Adams, Custodian at Lake Region High School, replacing Hayden Staley who resigned.
Ricky Bouchard, Custodian at Crooked River Elementary School, replacing Greg Cooper who resigned.
Wayne Dodge, Van Driver, replacing Kermit Foster who resigned.
Lorrie Libby, Custodian at Lake Region High School, replacing Alexandria Kollander who resigned.
Kyle Thorne, Custodian at Lake Region High School, replacing Dan Parsons who resigned.
Nomination of Permanent Substitutes
Meagan Baker, Permanent Substitute at Lake Region High School.
Elysia Grant, Permanent Substitute (6 weeks) at Songo Locks Elementary School, replacing Tricia Lemire who will be long-term substitute for Kimberly Galipeau.
Casey Shea, Permanent Substitute at Stevens Brook Elementary School, replacing Kayla Marceau (Ross) who resigned.
Nancy Wilson, Teacher in Adult Education effective Aug. 23, 2024.
Julie Anderson, Ed Tech at Stevens Book Elementary School effective July 16, 2024.
Dylan Dombrowski, Teacher at Lake Region Middle School effective Aug. 26, 2024.
Kermit Foster, Van Driver effective June 17, 2024.
Caitlin Gora, Special Education Ed Tech at Lake Region Middle School effective Aug. 7, 2024.
Martin Graef, School Counselor at Lake Region High School effective July 1, 2024.
Amanda Gray, Instructional Coach effective Aug. 26, 2024.
Alexandria Kollander, Custodian at Lake Region High School effective Aug. 16, 2024.
Nicole Long, Ed Tech at Lake Region Middle School effective Aug. 7, 2024.
Greta Manley-Hughes, Teacher Interventionist at Songo Locks Elementary School effective Aug. 8, 2024.
Russell Moores, Construction Technologies Teacher at Lake Region Vocational Center effective June 18, 2024.
Laurie Roberts, Ed Tech at Stevens Brook Elementary School effective Aug. 23, 2024.
Mary Ellen Rolla-Colegrove, Bus Driver effective Aug. 17, 2024.
Dawson Smith, Teacher/Ed Tech at Lake Region Vocational Center effective July 19, 2024.
Kathryn Whitehead, Social Worker at Songo Locks Elementary School and Crooked River Elementary School effective June 20, 2024.
Marsha Wilson, School Secretary at Lake Region Middle School effective Aug. 1, 2024.
Clyde Campbell, Bus Driver effective Aug. 16, 2024.
Jessica Emery, Kindergarten Teacher at Stevens Brook Elementary School will be transferring to an Instructional Coach position replacing Amanda Gray who resigned.
Kimberly Peterson, Teacher at Lake Region High School transferred to the Gifted and Talented Teacher position at Lake Region Middle School replacing Brigitte Morse who resigned.
Bethany Cox, Educational Technician at Lake Region High School transferred from Learning Lab III to Learning Lab II.
Karl Ross, Mechanic Shop Coordinator has transferred to a Mechanic position effective Aug. 12, 2024.
Jason Brooker, Mechanic has transferred to the Mechanic Shop Coordinator position effective Aug. 21, 2024.
Erin White, Ed Tech I at Lake Region Middle School has transferred to a Day Treatment Support Technician position effective Aug. 28, 2024.
Long-Term Substitute
Tricia Lemire, Permanent Substitute at Songo Locks Elementary School will be a long-term substitute effective Aug. 26, 2024 for Kimberly Galipeau who is on leave.