Corthell Letter: Three quotes

To The Editor:
Numerous people have innumerable times sounded the alarm that Donald J. Trump is an incompetent and dangerous leader, myself included.
The greatest warning sirens come from his own bloviating lips, with his most recent warning coming last night during his daily Covid-19 news conference/ presidential campaign rally:

When somebody is President of the United States, his authority is total.”

Our Constitution was written precisely to counter that particular claim.

Over and over we have been give a “heads up” about this guy.

When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time,” — Maya Angelou
So what can we do ladies and gentlemen? 
“We the People” hold the power to stop this abomination. We are the backstops and guard rails to save ourselves from the unconstitutional and dictatorial behavior by our 45th president. We must call for his resignation or removal from office via the 25th Amendment immediately.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing,” — Edmund Burke

Michael Corthell
