Player of the week: Grace Farrington

SP 17 grace farringtonGrace Farrington is proving to be a quick learner on the lacrosse field.

Playing for just the second year, Grace is showing she has a knack for the game, according to Coach Dave Keenan.

“Grace is one of our most improved and spirited players,” Coach Keenan said. “She has scored multiple goals in our first two games and is one of our top scorers on attack. She has grown in confidence and ability under Coach Bush’s offense. She plays a key role in our transition game initiated by our strong defense and very talented group of midfielders.”

Only a sophomore, Grace has a promising future in lacrosse, Coach Keenan added.

In recognition of her strong work ethic, determination, commitment and good sportsmanship, Grace is this week’s Boosters and Hancock Lumber “Player of the Week.” Each week, a Lake Region athlete is recognized for his/her dedication (does more than what is asked), work ethic, coachability and academic good standing. Recipients receive a specially-designed t-shirt, sponsored by Hancock Lumber.

The Farrington file

Athlete: Grace Farrington

Year in School: Sophomore

Town: Sebago

Parents: Sue Farrington and Larry Farrington

Sports you play: Lacrosse and soccer

School organizations: Varsity Club

School honors: Honor roll (all year)

Q. Best piece of advice you have received?  GF. “Fake confidence is still confidence” – Will Gibson.

Q. Who is your biggest fan? GF. My mom, she makes my games a priority no matter how far away they are and I can always hear her cheering me on.

Q. You know when you have had a good sports day when… GF. I know I have had a good sports day when I’m sweating and everyone leaves the field happy.

Q. What is your favorite sport? GF. Lacrosse, it’s new and a challenge for me. I love my coaches and the fast pace of the game. You always have to stay on your toes.

Q. If I could change one thing about myself as an athlete, I would change... GF. I would change how much I practice outside of practice to make myself better.

Q. What qualities make for a good teammate? GF. A good teammate supports everyone on and off the field.

Q. What do you believe you bring to your team? GF. I believe I bring a positive energy to my team. I try to make sure everyone is happy and working hard.

Q. What characteristics do you feel make for a good coach? GF.A good coach knows when to switch from a friend to an authority figure.