Familiar faces lead the Lovell Old Home Days 5K race field

REPEAT WINNERS Terry Ballou (left) and Silas Eastman hold their Lovell Old Home Days 5K glass-blown trophies. (Photo courtesy of Frederic Sater)
LOVELL — The Ninth Annual Lovell Old Days 5K Run had a number of familiar faces running down Main Street, as well as at the awards ceremony.
Silas Eastman, Maine’s male Athlete of the Year, crossed the finish line first with a time of 16:33. In September, Silas will begin studying at Colby College in Waterville, where he will continue to participate in both cross-country running and Nordic skiing.
Terry Ballou, 45, of Staten Island, N.Y., who has been the top female winner five out of the past six years, again came in first place with a time of 19:18. Even more impressive was that Terry finished eighth overall, more than two minutes ahead of the next female runner.
Both Eastman and Ballou received awards designed by Conway glassblower, Nathan Macomber.
On a very hot and humid morning, 129 runners ran the course that finishes at the Lovell Athletic Field. Every year, the race sees runners take on their first 5K. Congratulations to:
Carolynn Plowden, 45, of Stow, who has been training to run the course;
Alfie Walker, 12, of Fryeburg showed great form, finishing 20th overall with a time of 21:39;
The father-son duo of John Crowe, 87 years young from Sweden, finished seconds ahead of his son, Jonathon Crowe of Lovell.
Fryeburg Academy was well-represented with many students along with Track & Field Coach Kevin McDonald.
Race proceeds are evenly split between the Lovell Recreation Department and the Old Home Days Parade.
The event would not be possible without the generous support of sponsors: Norway Savings Bank, Midtown Marketing Services, Muddy Moose Restaurant, Bennett Transportation, Bliss & Associates, FairPoint Communications, Harvest Gold Gallery, Michael Friedman, Esq., Doyle Antiques, JB Storage, Mo’s Electric & Solar, Chet Rogers, Thurston Home Builders, Drew Corporation, Dr. N. Scott Ferguson, Rachel Kuvaja, North Conway Dental Associates, Lovell Village Store, Bob the Screenprinter and Kezar Realty.
Poland Spring and Rosie’s contributed to the post-race refreshments.
Saucony Shoes, The Frontside Grind, The Red Parka Pub, Lake Kezar Country Club, Kezar Lake Marina and the Pirate’s Cove Golf provided wonderful prizes for the random awards.
A very big special thank you goes to Dave Mason of Fryeburg, who at 96 years old continued his streak of starting all nine races.
Race Director Stan Tupaj also acknowledges the support of Oxford County Sheriff Wayne Gallant, as well as to Tommie McKenzie and the Lovell Volunteer Fire Department. And no event could be successful without the large number of volunteers and the support of the Town of Lovell.
How they finished
1. Silas Eastman, 18, Chatham, NH, 16:33
2. Andrew Huemmler, 18, Wallingford, PA, 17:28
3. Eric Hannes, 17, Fryeburg, 18:22
4. TJ Rose, 16, Lovell, 18:23
5. Arno Bommer, 53, Houston, TX, 18:36
6. Zachary Sheehan, 16, Lovell, 19:01
7. Brian Burkhart, 30, Hoboken, NJ, 19:16
8. Terry Ballou, 45, Staten Island, NY, 19:18
9. Donald Fredrikson, 53, Conway, NH, 19:29
10. Brian Arsenault, 47, Hudson, NH, 19:43
11. Jonathan Burk, 16, Denmark, 20:06
12. Liuke Yang, 16, Fryeburg, 20:17
13. Bryce Thurston, 43, Lovell, 20:19
14. Christian Bedell, 14, Center Lovell, 20:54
15. Adam Armington, 18, Lovell, 21:06
16. Karl Cyr, 31, Lovell, 21:07
17. Michael Friedman, 44, Philadelphia, PA, 21:27
18. Jeffrey Davis, 43, Gorham, 21:29
19. Michael Mendonca, 56, Lovell, 21:31
20. Alfie Walker, 12, Fryeburg, 21:39
21. Virginia Friedman, Philadelphia, PA, 21:46
22. Cathleen Livingston, 47, Chocorua, NH, 22:02
23. Anna Lastra, 15, Bridgton, 22:11
24. Mary Warner, 36, Milton, MA, 22:19
25. Andrew Chambers, 26, Denver, CO, 22:27
26. Sarah Wilson, 39, Center Lovell, 22:29
27. Jake Thurston, 18, Lovell, 22:38
28. Katie Chambers, 27, Denver, CO, 22:40
29. David Williams, 41, Eliot, 22:41
30. John Whitmore, 16, Gloucester, MA, 22:42
31. Rachel Heben, 20, Windham, NH, 22:49
32. Jessica Daly, 16, Wrentham, MA, 22:53
33. Alan Sparn, 54, Madison, CT, 22:58
34. Kyle Manlogon, 14, Amherst, MA, 23:00
35. Elizabeth Johannsen, 31, Salem, MA, 23:09
36. Eric Sessler, 36, Dover, NH, 23:14
37. Kevin McDonald, 63, Lovell, 23:16
38. Laura Pulito, 18, Brownfield, 23:25
39. Jeff Blodgett, 52, St. Paul, MN, 23:30
40. Nicholas Sebo, 42, Roslindale, MA, 23:40
41. Juliet Fink, 17, Chatham, NH, 23:44
42. Cliff Graves, 48, Fryeburg, 23:49
43. Bob Wentworth, 59, Fryeburg, 24:05
44. Neale Attenborough, 53, Manchester, MA, 24:12
45. Elizabeth Cyr, 31, Lovell, 24:33
46. Dustin Morrill, 16, Otisfield, 24:39
47. Manny Baptista, 12, Fryeburg, 25:09
48. Josh Rose, 10, Lovell, 25:22
49. Tracy Burk, 41, Denmark, 25:30
50. Caroline Price, 15, Concord, MA, 25:39
51. Walter Stinson, 66, Windham, 25:54
52. Paul Cronin, 43, Roslindale, MA, 25:57
53. Harrison Macdonald, 12, Holliston, MA, 26:20
54. Andrew Clear, 55, Fryeburg, 26:24
55. Colby Allen, 15, Gloucester, MA, 26:42
56. Jessica Dineen, 46, Lovell, 27:14
57. David Fontenault, 52, Conway, NH, 27:32
58. Paul Armington, 54, Lovell, 27:42
59. John Howe, 78, Waterford, 27:48
60. Chris Hallberg, 44, Lovell, 27:49
61. Anne St. Pierre, 55, Berkley, MA, 27:51
62. Beverly Bedell, 54, Center Lovell, 28:26
63. Scott Wilson, 59, Center Lovell, 28:29
64. Sarah Boucher, 48, Fryeburg, 28:34
65. Courtney Sessler, 33, Dover, NH, 28:57
66. Bruce Taylor, 64, Lovell, 29:00
67. Alexander Dattelbaum, 31, Hoboken, NJ, 29:06
68. Wayne Hadlock, 69, Lovell, 29:07
69. Alyssa Bommer, 10, Houston, TX, 29:13
70. Sam Stone, 10, Quincy, MA, 29:28
71. Bill Batman, 46, Catonsville, MD, 29:35
72. Nick Stinson, 43, Gorham, 29:38
73. Jessica Cronin, 38, Roslindale, MA, 29:59
74. Heath Strange, 24, Lovell, 30:01
75. Clifford Strange, 23, Lovell, 30:02
76. Sherri Towle, 30, Center Conway, NH, 30:11
77. Anita Day, 57, Fryeburg, 30:27
78. John Huffman, 66, Waterford, 30:29
79. Allison Batman, 45, Baltimore, MD, 30:32
80. Amelie Crowe, 13, Lovell, 30:37
81. Laurie Ramsay, 47, Fryeburg, 30:44
82. Leslie Glynn, 54, Danvers, MA, 31:10
83. Jeffrey White, 68, Bedford, MA, 31:21
84. Linda Gervais, 62, North Chelmsford, MA, 31:32
85. Jack McCormick, 12, Buxton, 31:41
86. John Towle, 30, Center Conway, NH, 31:43
87. Suzanne McCormick, 46, Buxton, 31:48
88. Bill McCormick, 48, Buxton, 31:49
89. Debra Taylor, 56, Lovell, 32:24
90. Laura Rancatore, 45, Waltham, MA, 32:40
91. Bill Mair, 47, Westerville, OH, 32:48
92. JJ Mair, 10, Westerville, OH, 32:50
93. Rachel Fitzgerald, 28, Niantic, CT, 33:25
94. Hal Taylor, 71, Canton, CT, 33:27
95. Grace Stone, 13, Quincy, MA, 33:44
96. Leigh Annne Monk, 51, Fairfax, VA, 33:52
97. Emily Julien, 12, Waltham, MA, 34:16
98. Jon Julien, 46, Waltham, MA, 34:18
99. Anna Romer, 51, Lovell, 34:47
100. Jane Hadlock, 62, Lovell, 34:55
101. Emily Batman, 11, Baltimore, MD, 35:01
102. Sophia Batman, 13. Cantonsville, MD, 35:02
103. Margot Kissinger, 10, Carlisle, MA, 35:04
104. Marcia Uhl, 60, Fryeburg, 35:21
105. Melinda Lawrence, 33, Lovell, 35:56
106. Raymond Fitzgerald, 75, Niantic, CT, 37:16
107. Debbie Howe, 67, Waterford, 37:29
108. Britta Anderson, 16, Harrison, 37:31
109. Tammy Anderson, 46, Harrison, 37:33
110. Sammy Mair, 7, Westerville, OH, 37:45
111. Emma Armington, 13, Lovell, 38:00
112. Bailey Friedman, 17, Center Lovell, 38:00
113. Emily Mock, 10, Holden, 39:20
114. James Whitmore, 60, Gloucester, MA, 40:27
115. Elizabeth Dayon, 41, Portsmouth, NH, 40:44
116. Carolyn Plowden, 45, Stow, 40:44
117. Benjamin Mock, 9, Holden, 41:30
118. Chet Rogers, 74, Hollis, NH, 41:41
119. Fiona McCormick, 10, Buxton, 42:30
120. Delaney Hallberg, 12, Lovell, 43:18
121. David Taylor, 70, Cromwell, CT, 47:44
122. Katie Mair, 12, Westerville, OH, 49:58
123. Johnn Crowe, 87, Sweden, 49:59
124. Jonathan Crowe, 46, Lovell, 51:07
125. Hope Dudley, 46, Waterford, 54:55
126. Elisabeth Mock, 44, Holden, 54:59
127. Madison Murray, 5, Bridgton, 59:48
128. Hannah Murray, 3, Bridgton, 59:48
129. Amanda Murray, 25, Bridgton, 59:48
Age Class Winners
Female 1-15: Anna Lastra, 15, Bridgton, 22;11
Male 1-15: Christian Bedell, 14, Center Lovell, 20:54
Female 16-19: Jessica Daly, 16, Wrentham, MA, 22:53
Male 16-19: Andrew Huemmler, 18, Wallingford, PA, 17:28
Female 20-29: Katie Chambers, 27, Denver, CO, 22:40
Male 20-29: Andrew Chambers, 26, Denver, CO, 22:27
Female 30-39: Mary Warner, 36, Milton, MA, 22:19
Male 30-39: Brian Burkhart, 30, Hoboken, NJ, 19:16
Female 40-49: Virginia Friedman, 43, Philadelphia, PA, 21:46
Male 40-49: Brian Arsenault, 47, Hudson, NH, 19:43
Female 50-59: Anne St. Pierre, 55, Berkley, MA, 27:51
Male 50-59: Arno Bommer, 53, Houston, TX, 18:36
Female 60-69: Linda Gervais, 62, North Chelmsford, MA, 31:32
Male 60-69: Kevin McDonald, 63, Lovell, 23:16
Male 70-99: John Howe, 78, Waterford, 27:48.